2017-06-23 09:47:37 | 来源:中时电子报 | 投稿:小柯 | 编辑:dations


There are a lot of hot springs down approach hypoxia in the game, today Xiaobian to bring several hot springs to share the game player's mainstream jewelry cooling method, interested friends may wish to come and see it!

Summary of mainstream hot spring cooling methods

The main three methods are as follows: pipe bridge, BUG method, two waterfall method, and third floor ladder method.

Construction methods and examples are given.

1. pipe bridge method (the simplest, the best construction)

First of all, you need to find a hot spring, and a small amount of low temperature water, here you can use the initial map of water, with ice can be lower stability.

Connect the pipe in the manner shown in figure two. The hot spring side of the pipeline will not be connected first.

The hot water in the pipe is connected to the hot water after walking.

When hot water flows, stop cold water on the right.

The direct water is cold water.

Matters needing attention:

1. all pipes are made of two tungsten tungsten material;

2. pipe bridge, green end, hot water end, hot water end;

3. if the left pipe is empty, the cold water will be filled, so please keep the cold water pump connected.


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