除夕英语怎么说 越晚越好
2020-01-19 13:10:31 | 来源:四海网 | 投稿: | 编辑:小柯

原标题:除夕英语怎么说 越晚越好


Eve是evening的缩写形式,除夕本来就是除夕夜,而eve是前夕的意思。New Year's Eve 是【新年前一天的晚上】新年的前夕。故为"除夕夜"


New Year's Eve, or the last night of the year in Chinese lunar calendar, is called Chuxi. It is an extraordinary day in China because the old year and new year meet during this night. Since Chuxi in Chinese means removing the old, most of the activities during New Year's Eve centers on removing the old and evil and pray for the best.

The customs on Chuxi Day in different districts are almost the same; while in some places, the customs are quite special, such as in Suzhou, Beijing and Taiwan. When staying up late in Suzhou, people always wait for the bell ring from the Hanshan Temple, which is a sign of the coming year;Beijing people hold Caisui activity by stepping on the sesame straw paved in the courtyard; In Taiwan, people will put a firepan under the table when have dinner and the daughters-in-law will stay up late in the New Year's Eve, the later, the better (It is said that the elders will enjoy longevity by this way).


There are many activities on New Year's Eve / Chuxi Day, which mainly include sticking New Year scrolls (spring scrolls), enjoying family reunion dinner, Shousui (stay up late at night), sacrifice offering and setting off fireworks.The custom of staying up (Chinese: shou tai sui) symbolizes the warding off of all diseases and disasters and wishing good luck in the New Year.


In Chinese mythology, a monster called nian would come out to harm people on New Year's Eve, so people get together, staying up and chatting, hoping for a peaceful passage of time.

除夕英语怎么说:New Year's Eve



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