2022-03-26 19:11:24 | 来源: | 投稿:baidu | 编辑:baidu


  提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Reno has turned itself into a distribution hub .如雷诺市已经摇身一变成为了集散中心。Senator bob graham gave reno a glowing endorsement when I called him .我打电话给参议员鲍勃.格雷厄姆时,他热情地对雷诺给予了肯定。A few days later , janet reno asked ken starr to investigate the files case .几天后,珍妮特雷诺要求肯斯塔尔调查这个档案事件。In november voters in reno and las vegas approved an increase in hotel taxes to pay for schools .11月份,雷诺市和拉斯维加斯的选民们同意了增加酒店税来用于教育开支的做法。In 2006 , widowed , mr. jandali remarried and now lives on a cul-de-sac in a gated reno suburban community .2006年,丧偶的詹达利再婚,现居住在雷诺市郊一个有门卫把守的僻静社区里。

tags:Reno是什么意思   Reno怎么读   Reno翻译为:里诺(美国有名的“离

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